“There is in the child a special kind of sensitivity which leads him to absorb everything about him and it is this work of observing and absorbing that alone enables him to adapt himself to life. He does it in virtue of an unconscious power that exists in childhood… The first period of the child’s life is one of adaptation.” — Dr. Maria Montessori
Toddler Program (Ages 18 to 36 months)
The Village Montessori School Toddler community is a unique environment, which facilitates appropriate development for this special age. The teachers’ knowledge of children’s needs and tendencies is crucial in preparing and implementing the toddler program. Development is optimal in an environment of understanding, respect and support for the developmental tasks of the child. Establishing a relationship based on trust and respect is the starting point for the child’s secure exploration of the new environment. The teacher remains an important catalyst for further social development by modeling and encouraging good manners, language and respect for others.
The beginning practical life exercises of simple self-help skills lead to independence and the development of competence, facilitating an “I can!” attitude.
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Fine and Gross Motor Skills
The AMI Montessori toddler classroom offers many opportunities for large motor development. The materials in the classroom provide a variety of experiences for small motor development, eye-hand coordination, simple sorting and classifying, as well as sequencing and sensorial discrimination of shapes, sizes and colors.
Language & Math
The language curriculum consists of listening to stories and songs, singing, vocabulary enrichment and conversations. Learning words to express needs, desires and feelings is emphasized. These foundational lessons will help carry your child through primary, elementary, and middle school.
Practical Life
Montessori ‘Practical Life’ activities support the development of conflict resolution, independence, personal hygiene, care of the environment (cleaning, caring for plants and pets, preparing food), and instilling a sense of community and understanding the importance of their work to make the community whole.
Children entering the Montessori Toddler Community can choose between the program schedules shown below:
4 day programs Monday – Thursday
Morning (8:35-11:30)
Morning + lunch (8:35-12:30)
All day (8:35-2:45)
Full day (8:35-5:30)
5 day morning program Monday- Friday
Morning (8:35-11:30)
Morning + lunch (8:35-12:30)
All day (8:35-2:45)
Full day (8:35-5:30)
For those in need of extended hours, Lunch and All Day programs are available. Children in the All Day program will nap after lunch, they are in a peaceful environment with their teachers.
The toddler class daily schedule includes group time, independent work, outdoor play (weather permitting) and songs and stories. We also offer a summer program for toddlers with extra-curricular activities. Several parent resources are available to help make any decisions.